Tuesday 23 February 2010

Lip Sync Project

Lip Sync Project

For our Lip Sync project we were given the task of creating a video for the song 'Could It Be Magic' By Barry Manilow in which we would have to lip sync to. The first problem we had was to be able to listen to the song outside so we used my Mp3 player as I was the only member of my group with a cable to connect it to the macs to transfer the song. The first thing we decided to do was to buy a set of speakers to plug into the Mp3 Player so that we would all be able to listen to the song out loud, we thought that this would be easier when we came to the lip syncing part, although it turned out to be unsuccessful as the music was a bit to quiet so we decided to use a set of headphones instead. The second problem that we came accross was that the only version of song that could be found was nearly seven minutes long which meant we would have to fill around about 3-5 minutes of instrumental time. Also when given the lyrics for the song it turned out they were the wrong ones and were for the take that version so we had to take extra time to re-write some off them by listening to the song a few times over this took out some valuable shooting time. We thought that it would be best to start of by filming the actual lip sync, it took a couple of goes but it went fairly well. Although we still had some fairly major problems with it mainly because of the lyrics and the fact that the tripod we were given was broken and kept falling apart. After lunch we returned to college to edit our video, whilst doing this we realsied that the tape/camera had been faulty and this resulted in most of our work having stripes over it, we are not really sure why this happend we think that it was because of a combination of the camera heads where dirty and that in places we filmed over old footage thus making it stripy. This meant that we did have enough footage to fill the gaps and some of our actualy lip syncing was now not useable, so we had to go film some more footage during the afternoon to make up for the recordings that we had lost. In the end we were able to get most of the footage that we wanted, however it was not as good as we would have liked/hoped as some was rushed as we did have much time. If we were to do this lip-sync again, we would like to get a better version of the song so that we didnt have as much time to fill and we would get a better way of hearing the music so that the actual lip syncing itself was of a better quality, we would also make sure that we were shooting in the correct size so that our video didnt play as widescreen and look a little bit silly when played back on a normal video or a normal screen.

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