Friday 26 March 2010



During this assignment when we were making our music video some of my main resposibilities were to act in the video, as the scary guy who chases the main character. To sing the chorus of the song, you can't hear me as much as the other two as i'm more of an echo of the chorus. Whilst editing myself and Vic did nearly all of the basic edit, then Mark came in and myself and him edited the 1st half of the video together, and then him and Vic did the 2nd half of the video together. During pre-production, we all went location spotting whilst doing this my job was to take the photos on the digital camera so we could get an idea of what it would look like when filmed on video. I also did my own idea for a storyboard of which we took some ideas from to make the final video, I did a risk assesment for the abandoned railway line that we used.

To the making of our video I would say that my contribution was fairly successful, as I did all of my work on time as well as the others, so we ended up working well as a group with no arguments listening to each others ideas and all having a fair say in what the final video would look like. Although if we were to do this project again I would try to make sure that I was more involved in the making of the song and the actual singing of it, and that when we edited the final video I would like to have been a bit more involved, but other than that I thought I and the rest of the group worked well together.

From making this video I have learnt a lot about lighting and how to light different areas with different effects and how to light things so that they look good on the video. As we did our video in black and white, I have also learnt how to desaturate the video and a lot about the editing programme final cut pro, I have learnt how to be more precise with the cutting of the length of the video and how to change the speed of the different sections of video. Although one thing that we did struggle with was the compresser programme as whenever we have compressed it, it has made the video all pixelated and it has skipped some of the vital parts of the video, the ones that you need to see, one of which was in the fight scene so in the finished video you dont see the block from a punch and myself getting kicked in the leg meaning why I fall to the ground. I also noticed other groups having problems with this so it wasnt just us as many had problems with when theirs was compressed the lip syncing they had done had all gone out. I have also learnt how to do, risk assesments and found out how detailed they actualy have to be.

The overall technical quality of our video was to a very high standard, with a lot of the fast cuts we had it will keep potential audiences intertained and interested. The imagery in the video and the footage that we have is good with a variety of different angles and shots, although some that we originaly had in there have been lost through compressing it. The sound to the video, is not as higher standard as none of us could really sing, its not one of our greatest talents. However the editing is to near profesional standard as we have sped up some shots and we have many fast cuts and we have even turned it into black and white, so this is one of our greatest talents, if only our singing was just as good.

The effectiveness of our editing was near professional standard as I have already mensioned, the cinematography, is again excellant with all the variety of shots, pans tilts these all help to keep the video entertaining and interesting. The mise-en-scene is again good as all the lighting looks good on camera and in the final video, and I think that all of the locations we used fit well with the video. As I have already mensioned the sound isnt the best as our singing isnt our greatest attribiute, however, I think the lyrics are good and go with the video well. The narrative of our video maybe isnt the best, but I think if you think about it, then it makes sense and works well. The representation, makes me look like a bit of a thug and Mark like a vulnerable young boy/man however I dont think this is too bad as this is a good theme that you could carry onto future videos.

If we did this video again, I think that we would get a bit more footage, as we did us a couple of shots more than once, and in a few cases more than twice but I think with all the fast cuts and quick pace of it then most people wouldnt notice this. I think we would also try to learn a bit more about the compresser programme as that did miss out a few bits of our video, some of the most important bits as well.

To get some audience feedback, we did a screening within the class, they though that some weak areas within our video were the 1st fight scene, however we can explain why this was weak as when compressed, it for some reason has now skipped, the most important shots within that scene, they also thought that it was a confused narrative, but I think if you think about it then you can work out the narrative, which I think is a good thing because sometimes, things can be too easy and then they, dont keep the viewer interested the whole time, because they can guess what might be coming next. However, they did like all our variety of interesting shots they thought they worked well, they also thought that it wasn't dull and it was visualy interesting. So with this we can see that overall the video worked well as they thought it fitted to the genre of music and it was suitable for the target audience, however we can see areas that could be improved if we did it again such as the narrative, if we did it again we would make it a bit stronger so it wasnt as confusing.

Some things that went right on this project was the fact that we worked really well as a group listening to each others ideas and not reverting to any arguments, and because of this we quickly got a song and an idea down, meaning we were the only group that had time to go location spotting, and because of this we also got our filming down quickly meaning more time for an edit, however this wasnt all good as I think with some of the spare time we should have got some extra footage as it in some places could have used a bit more footage.
We can't really guve many examples to this type of genre as there aren't many techno-rock groups out there at the moment so maybe our video could be a pioneer ambassador for this type of genre maybe now this genre will now take off and become big all because of our one small video.

Although, overall I think our finished project was very close to a profesional standard, even if the singing isnt its the video that really counts. I think that the finished edit is close to profesional with all the quick cuts, these help to keep the viewer visually interested with the song keeping there ears interested. I also think that all the variety of shots keeps the viewer visualy interested and it shows of our skills with the camera. However if we did this again I think that we should get more footage to fill the fight scenes with also I think that we should learn about the compressor programme more so that when compressed our video we didnt loose some of the footage and that it didnt go all pixelated and wont play widescreen very well.

Our Finished Video


Shooting Schedule


Film the Church exteriors

Film Church Interiors

Film Green Screen Footage


Film the Chase Sequence

Rehearse and Film Fight Sequence 1

Film woods scene part 1


Finish off filming any extra material

Rehearse and film fight sequence 2

Film and Extra material needed


Film Extras

Upload and edit


Risk Assesment

Thursday 25 March 2010

Location Spotting Photos

Before we went out filming we decided to go location spotting and find some possible locations that we may use. Below are some of the photos we took:

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Video Production For Interactive Media

Video Production for Interactive Media

Interactive media is something that normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based systems which respond to the user’s actions by presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video, audio etc. However for this report I will be focusing on video in interactive media.

Since film was first introduced in 1895 and the first TVs were introduced in the 1940’s, we then had to wait until the 1960’s for colour TV. However since the 1990’s and the World Wide Web became prevalent video technology has come a very long way below are a few examples of the new and old pieces of technology that we now have.

Platforms of Video
The world wide web is a big platform for videos , as there are many videos on such websites as YouTube and there is also all the catch up sites from the different television channels such as BBC Iplayer and 4od (on demand), all of the catch up sites are very popular as video recorders have now gone out of date and are hardly used anymore and its now more DVD but not many people have a DVD recorder so its mainly catch up sites that are used if they miss there favourite show. Although some cons to these sites are that they can easily be pirated and put onto a DVD so if people are doing this then they loose money for if they were to in the future release a DVD of the programme.

Another platform is email attachments as they can have photos or videos added as attachments to them, for many companies this is good as it is a cheap and easy way to advertise. Although for many it could be bad as when most people see these types of emails with these attachments they put them in there junk mail straight away and never read them. DVD’s used to be a big platform for videos but now they are starting to go out and now its more Blu-ray , although not many people have a Blu-ray player at the moment so they are still a big part and are still sold all over, but in the near future they will get overtaken by Blu-ray.

CD-ROMs are another platform for videos in interactive media they are mainly used for educational purposes, which is a con as it means the target audience for whatever is on it will have to be for quite a narrow target audience, although it could be good as some students may remember the video that they saw then go home and show parents and others on YouTube which can then spread the video very quickly so it can be very effective and it can also be very ineffective.

Kiosks are a very new sort of interactive media, they are mainly information desks which are used to distribute information, such as maps of the surrounding town in which they are placed they also have internet access where in the lower tool bars different companies can advertise so this can be a very successful was as people will look at them if they are lost so then they will see the adverts, although if people know where they are going then they may very easily miss it and not bother looking to see what it is.

Presentations are another use, although they usually contain certain information and are usually made on PowerPoint’s which are good as they can have videos embedded into them, they can also be made on blogs which again can have videos embedded in them, they can also have videos, photos and text uploaded onto them so they are in some ways better than a power point.

Some thing that is now coming on and is fast becoming very popular is the TV click through the red button, with this you can vote, sing/play along with game or singing shows and you can get up to date news, sport and weather for your area, this is a new type of media technology and is only really used by the Bbc, Sky and Itv, on itv and sky they also have different videos in them and adverts over them, and bbc sometimes have some shows put onto the red button for so long so people that have missed them can catch up, rather than having to go on Iplayer.

Mobile devices (phones, Pda’s and games consoles.) are a newer sort as they can now record play and send things around to friends, this is good as some phone companies pre-load adverts and things onto some phones, which can them be sent around and advertise that particular company also if the phone is a good one and one person likes it and recommend it to there friends then the phone company get more sales, also if the phone isn’t very good then they will get a lot less sales.

Interactive Media
Short films are a use of video in interactive media; there are many of these on YouTube, new grounds and Britfilms they all host and encourage short films. This is a medium for aspiring directors (usually young) to show their work and get recognised. One big pro is that this is a very good way to get recognised especially if it’s a good video as it would mean that you would get recognised easier although if it was a bad one then people would loose respect for you and then may expect that all your videos would be as bad so would then not check out your videos or your site again.

Promotional material is where companies use to promote aspiring films/projects such as music videos and film trailers, this can be could as it could turn a small film into a hit blockbuster, although it could work the other way round and it could totally destroy as small film so that no-one would ever go and watch it.

Film trailers are another use of video in interactive media they are mainly used for promotional purposes, to promote the film, it can be in the form of a short film, and is often found on many websites, this is a real pro for the makers of the film as it means that the film is advertised well, although one down side to this could be that they could be taken out of context, so they have to be very careful of what they put into them.

User generated content is material that is produced by random people who may aspire to be a director or somehow work in the industry, they are usually posted on sites such as YouTube, a pro of these are that they could get spotted and get a good job in the industry. However, a downside to this is that someone in the business could steal there idea and then get all the credit for it.

Another use of interactive media is Viral Marketing this is a tool that is used to advertise things quickly. One pro is that it is cheap as it only costs to make it, however a downside is that as soon as some people see it in there in box they count it as junk and delete it without taking the time to read it.

Advertising on a website is also an interactive media as it could be an advert (video) embedded into the webpage; a pro of this is that as soon as they go onto the site you would see it. A con is that some people would see it was an advert then think they hadn’t got the time so didn’t bother looking at it.
One newer interactive medium is virtual reality tours they are a simulation of an existing location usually composed of a sequence of images, the newest example of this is Google’s street view, a pro of this is that a lot of people find it fun and a laugh to find there house and see if they can see there cat or dog or someone they know, although a con of this is that some people thing its invading their privacy and helping prospective burglars to see what there house is like and where the best place would be to get in and get what they wanted.

Games are now more like a DVD in the way that it is so realistic and that you can get hints up onto the screen, a pro of this is that its life like and more fun to play, you feel as if your there, although a con is that many people think at times its too life like and too gory and that its teaching younger children to ‘kill and maim’.

E-learning is where you find info off the computer, rather than learning from a person. Some problems are that they don’t know whether your doing the work or not, it can also get boring. One good thing is that you can get it anywhere, so teachers would say that there is no excuse for not doing it!

Interactive Media Technologies
Video compression is where you make the size of the video smaller so that it’s easier to transport around although it can result in the video being of a lower quality. Although if this is done, it means that it can be uploaded to sites such as YouTube much quicker and it will play better when up, so sometimes loss of quality is a sacrifice you have to make.

A codec is when a file is able to be played on a certain programme. For example an Mp4 file could be played on windows media player. However a con of this is that if you can’t find the needed codec you can’t play the file, also if the codec isn’t compatible.

One Media technology that has become much bigger is recent years is streaming and download, streaming is a sequence of data elements made available over time. A con of this is that sometimes it can be very slow and can keep stopping, and this takes even longer if the video is in high definition. Download means to receive data to a local system from a remote system. A pro of this is that quite a lot of the time it can be free, however a con of this is that sometimes from downloads you can get virus’s attached to the download so end up with virus’s in your computer system, also there are quite a lot of illegal download sites, so if you pick the wrong one to use and are found out you could get into a lot of trouble.

There are many different interactive video formats, a few of them are MPEG, this is the moving picture experts group and was formed to set standards for audio and video compression and transmission. Another is AVI, the audio video interleave and is a multimedia container format introduced by Microsoft. One con of this is that it is only compatible with a Microsoft computer. MOV, the QuickTime (.mov) file format functions as a multimedia container file that contains one of more tracks. WMV, Windows media video is a compressed video compression format; once again a con of this is that it will only work with windows media player.

Data Transfer rates (Bandwidth) is a measure of available or consumed data communication resources. A con of this is that if you have low internet speeds and not a very quick broadband then you will not be able to see that particular website or it will take absolutely ages to load up for you to see.

One media technology that has been around since the start of film and video is frame rates; these are the amount of frames shown each second. Usually it’s 25 per second in any film or normal video, but it changes to 24 per second when in TV. A con of this is that it can easily be confused between the two and it they are crossed over then it can sometimes cause some problems.

Screen resolutions are a fairly new media technology as they have only really been around since Colour TV, but they have only really been started to use more than anything with computers. But they are the amount of information passed through, the more information passed through the better quality.

File sizes have again only really been around since computers, they are the amount of data in a file; a con of these is that if it’s a big file then it takes ages to load/move around, and if you try to compress it then you loose quality. However a pro is that most computers are now quick enough to deal with all files however big they are.

Picture ratios or aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of the width of the image to the height, expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, some examples of this are 4:3 and 16:9 the latter the one that is used the most. One con of this is that a lot of the time if it changes from one to the other you loose quality in the picture, although a pro is that the 16:9 size can fit quite comfortably onto a HDTV screen and have now been issued on DVD without black bars.

Digital Rights Management or DRM for short is a generic term for access control technologies that can be used by hardware, manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to try to impose limitations on the usage of digital content and devises. A con of this is that they can never limit too much what people can see or use as if one person gets it now they have ways of sending it round to all there friends which means every one can then get it and there is nothing that anyone can do about it.

There are now so many media players each doing a different thing and each one meant for a particular programme that won’t work on a different computer meaning you have to spend more money to either get one it will work on or buy a converter to convert it so it will work, a few different media players are; DVD, digital versatile disk or digital video disk is an optical disk storage format and is mainly used for videos and data storage as this is one of the few things that is compatible with nearly everything. Iplayer is an internet television service that is used for television and radio catch up, the con of this is that it can only be watched over the internet and is usually only available after release, so if you don’t have the internet then you cant catch up with your show. QuickTime is an extensible proprietary multimedia frame work and is capable of handling various formats of digital video, 3D models, sounds, text, animation, music, panoramic images and interactivity. One pro of this is that it is compatible with most programmes. Windows Media Player (WMP) is a proprietary digital media player and media library application, one big con of this is that it’s only compatible with windows computers. Real player is a closed source cross- platform media player by Real Networks that plays a number of multimedia formats including Mp3, Mpeg-4, QuickTime and Windows media. A pro of this is that its compatible with nearly everything.

Embedded Video is where the video is put into the site/page and it will play without the need of opening another window to see the video or with the need to open any of the above media players, which is a pro itself, although a con is that sometimes it can take longer to steam and that not all videos are able to be embedded so there will be a box there but they just won’t play.

One of the newest Media technologies is Video tagging this was mainly introduced for social networking sites and YouTube where you can either tag yourself in the video, or you can tag a particular spot on the timeline where you can make a comment on it. A con of this is it will still be some time before all the browsers start supporting it and much more time before most people upgrade to that browser so they can all see it. One pro is that it is not dependent on a single commercial 3rd party entity Adobe, which means you, would have to keep updating your adobe programme so you could keep up to date with it all.