Friday 26 March 2010



During this assignment when we were making our music video some of my main resposibilities were to act in the video, as the scary guy who chases the main character. To sing the chorus of the song, you can't hear me as much as the other two as i'm more of an echo of the chorus. Whilst editing myself and Vic did nearly all of the basic edit, then Mark came in and myself and him edited the 1st half of the video together, and then him and Vic did the 2nd half of the video together. During pre-production, we all went location spotting whilst doing this my job was to take the photos on the digital camera so we could get an idea of what it would look like when filmed on video. I also did my own idea for a storyboard of which we took some ideas from to make the final video, I did a risk assesment for the abandoned railway line that we used.

To the making of our video I would say that my contribution was fairly successful, as I did all of my work on time as well as the others, so we ended up working well as a group with no arguments listening to each others ideas and all having a fair say in what the final video would look like. Although if we were to do this project again I would try to make sure that I was more involved in the making of the song and the actual singing of it, and that when we edited the final video I would like to have been a bit more involved, but other than that I thought I and the rest of the group worked well together.

From making this video I have learnt a lot about lighting and how to light different areas with different effects and how to light things so that they look good on the video. As we did our video in black and white, I have also learnt how to desaturate the video and a lot about the editing programme final cut pro, I have learnt how to be more precise with the cutting of the length of the video and how to change the speed of the different sections of video. Although one thing that we did struggle with was the compresser programme as whenever we have compressed it, it has made the video all pixelated and it has skipped some of the vital parts of the video, the ones that you need to see, one of which was in the fight scene so in the finished video you dont see the block from a punch and myself getting kicked in the leg meaning why I fall to the ground. I also noticed other groups having problems with this so it wasnt just us as many had problems with when theirs was compressed the lip syncing they had done had all gone out. I have also learnt how to do, risk assesments and found out how detailed they actualy have to be.

The overall technical quality of our video was to a very high standard, with a lot of the fast cuts we had it will keep potential audiences intertained and interested. The imagery in the video and the footage that we have is good with a variety of different angles and shots, although some that we originaly had in there have been lost through compressing it. The sound to the video, is not as higher standard as none of us could really sing, its not one of our greatest talents. However the editing is to near profesional standard as we have sped up some shots and we have many fast cuts and we have even turned it into black and white, so this is one of our greatest talents, if only our singing was just as good.

The effectiveness of our editing was near professional standard as I have already mensioned, the cinematography, is again excellant with all the variety of shots, pans tilts these all help to keep the video entertaining and interesting. The mise-en-scene is again good as all the lighting looks good on camera and in the final video, and I think that all of the locations we used fit well with the video. As I have already mensioned the sound isnt the best as our singing isnt our greatest attribiute, however, I think the lyrics are good and go with the video well. The narrative of our video maybe isnt the best, but I think if you think about it, then it makes sense and works well. The representation, makes me look like a bit of a thug and Mark like a vulnerable young boy/man however I dont think this is too bad as this is a good theme that you could carry onto future videos.

If we did this video again, I think that we would get a bit more footage, as we did us a couple of shots more than once, and in a few cases more than twice but I think with all the fast cuts and quick pace of it then most people wouldnt notice this. I think we would also try to learn a bit more about the compresser programme as that did miss out a few bits of our video, some of the most important bits as well.

To get some audience feedback, we did a screening within the class, they though that some weak areas within our video were the 1st fight scene, however we can explain why this was weak as when compressed, it for some reason has now skipped, the most important shots within that scene, they also thought that it was a confused narrative, but I think if you think about it then you can work out the narrative, which I think is a good thing because sometimes, things can be too easy and then they, dont keep the viewer interested the whole time, because they can guess what might be coming next. However, they did like all our variety of interesting shots they thought they worked well, they also thought that it wasn't dull and it was visualy interesting. So with this we can see that overall the video worked well as they thought it fitted to the genre of music and it was suitable for the target audience, however we can see areas that could be improved if we did it again such as the narrative, if we did it again we would make it a bit stronger so it wasnt as confusing.

Some things that went right on this project was the fact that we worked really well as a group listening to each others ideas and not reverting to any arguments, and because of this we quickly got a song and an idea down, meaning we were the only group that had time to go location spotting, and because of this we also got our filming down quickly meaning more time for an edit, however this wasnt all good as I think with some of the spare time we should have got some extra footage as it in some places could have used a bit more footage.
We can't really guve many examples to this type of genre as there aren't many techno-rock groups out there at the moment so maybe our video could be a pioneer ambassador for this type of genre maybe now this genre will now take off and become big all because of our one small video.

Although, overall I think our finished project was very close to a profesional standard, even if the singing isnt its the video that really counts. I think that the finished edit is close to profesional with all the quick cuts, these help to keep the viewer visually interested with the song keeping there ears interested. I also think that all the variety of shots keeps the viewer visualy interested and it shows of our skills with the camera. However if we did this again I think that we should get more footage to fill the fight scenes with also I think that we should learn about the compressor programme more so that when compressed our video we didnt loose some of the footage and that it didnt go all pixelated and wont play widescreen very well.

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